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Product safety / Product compliance →
This concerns violations regarding product safety obligations. Consumers need to be confident that products are safe. Manufacturers and suppliers can be expected to take care of the products they put on the market and properly inform all users about possible risks. For example, consumer products should not cause injury or health damage.
Food safety →
This concerns food safety violations. Food safety is a term used to indicate the safety or unsafety of food. Safe food means that you can eat the product without getting sick from it in the short or long term. Food can be contaminated with pathogens, harmful substances or materials foreign to the product.
Protection of privacy and personal data and security of network and information systems →
This concerns violations of laws and regulations on personal data protection and privacy (= privacy). In particular, this includes cases involving large amounts of data or particularly sensitive data. Examples:
Unlawful access to personal data
the misuse of personal data
inadequate protection of access to personal data
Public health & Consumer protection →
Breach notifications can be crucial in detecting, preventing, reducing or eliminating risks to public health and consumer protection arising from breaches of laws and regulations, which might otherwise go unnoticed. There is a strong link between consumer protection and cases where unsafe products can lead to significant consumer harm.
Environmental protection →
Environmental protection includes any environmental offenses and environmental damage. For example:
Illegal disposal of waste
Improper handling of pollutants
Water, soil, or air pollution
Money laundering (AMLA) →
Money laundering includes any activity in which the proceeds of criminal activity are funneled into, and through, the financial system for subsequent use in an activity that appears to be legal. Because criminal assets are involved, the main objective of money laundering is to make sure that no one finds out the criminal origins of the financial activity.
Antitrust and competition law →
This would include infringements that counteract the securing and maintenance of effective market competition. An anti-competitive situation is when there is collusion or an exchange of competition-relevant information between companies and their competitors, for example.
Social security fraud →
Social fraud includes any abuse concerning social security law, labour law and social assistance involving attempts to evade government regulations and associated burdens. For example:
Contribution and benefit fraud,
Undeclared work
Illegal employment
Tax fraud →
Tax fraud or tax evasion is fraud in relation to taxes, more specifically violating tax law with the aim of paying less taxes. By presenting a false picture of reality to the authorities, less or no tax is wrongly levied, or a benefit is wrongly granted.
Transport safety →
Manipulation of business documents/balance sheets →
This would refer, in particular, to violations of applicable accounting standards or generally accepted accounting principles, resulting in misrepresentations in the company's financial reporting. For example: improper preparation or falsification of invoices, credit notes, financial statements, audit trails, etc.
Others →
If none of the other categories apply to your report.